Helping your employees prepare for retirement beyond the finances

So they are ready to retire, when the time is right. 

We believe that traditional approaches to retirement planning are incomplete

Retirement readiness is not just about financial security. Retirement lifestyle planning helps employees plan for the life they want to retire to and navigate the transition with confidence.

We believe that traditional approaches to retirement planning are incomplete.

Retirement Lifestyle Planning is a win-win for employees and employers alike

Retirement lifestyle planning is a powerful complement to traditional employee benefits to address the unique needs of older workers. When employers demonstrate that they support employees throughout their entire career, they can build a more engaged, loyal and productive workforce that is better equipped to navigate the challenges of retirement.

Elevate your Company's Reputation and Attract Top Talent

Demonstrating your commitment to your employees' long-term success and well-being can enhance your company's reputation and attract top talent. Retirement lifestyle planning is an essential benefit that can set your organization apart and position it as a desirable place to work.

Improve Employee Engagement and Retention

Investing in retirement lifestyle planning shows your employees that you care about their long-term success and well-being. This can increase employee engagement and loyalty, resulting in higher retention rates and a more engaged workforce.

Increase Employee Performance and Productivity

Pre-retirement anxiety can decrease motivation and productivity, but retirement lifestyle planning can help employees stay focused at work and prepare for their next chapter, so they are ready to retire when the time is right.

Reduce Retirement-Related Stress and Uncertainty

Retirement can be stressful and uncertain, which can cause employees to delay retirement or retire prematurely. Retirement lifestyle planning provides the resources and guidance employees need to prepare for the transition, leading to a more confident and secure workforce.


We focus on the critical non-financial aspects of retirement planning; helping employees create a fulfilling plan for what they will retire to. 

Our workshops and education sessions help employees create a personalized plan for a fulfilling life after work.

Dedicated site for on demand content with Lifetime access to course modules & Monthly live Q&A sessions.

One-on-one sessions with a retirement coach ​

We'd Love To Hear From You

Take the first step...

get in touch with tammy at the curated retirement or call 604-787-9495

The Curated Retirement Corporate Retirement Transition Programs and Retirement Coaching

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